Bản dịch Báo cáo tài chính tiếng Anh (theo QĐ 48) - Dịch Thuật SMS



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Attached with


Ho Chi Minh thành phố, April 2015



Table of contents             1

Statement by management        2 – 4

Auditor’s report               5 – 6

Audited financial statements

Balance sheet (Form B 01 – DN) 7 – 8

Income statement (Form B 02 – DN)        9

Cash flow statement (Form B 03 – DN)    10

Notes đồ sộ the financial statements (Form B 09 – DN)          11 – 18


The Board of Management of ABC. Construction Trading Service Company Limited presents the audited financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December năm trước.

The Company’s general information

ABC. Construction Trading Service Company Limited (hereinafter referred đồ sộ as the “Company”) was established and operates under the Certificate of business registration number 0123456789 initially granted by Business Registration Office – Department of Planning and Investment Ho Chi Minh thành phố on XX-XX-XXXX and the fourth amendment dated XX-XX-XXXX. Whereby:


– Abbreviation: ABC CTS., LTD

– Charter Capital: 5,000,000,000 VND (Five billion Vietnamese dong)

– Head office: Xth Floor, ABC Buiding, 123 XYZ Street, Ward X, District X, Ho Chi Minh City

Main business activities of the Company are:

–              Construction of houses of all kinds

–              Construction of railways and roads

–              Construction of public utility facilities

–              Construction of other civil engineering

–              Decommissioning

–              Surface preparation

–              Installation of electrical systems

–              Installation of systems of water supply, drainage, heating and air-conditioning (except for mechanical processing, recycling, electroplating at premise)

–              Completing construction

–              Wholesale of machinery, equipment and other machine parts.

–              Details: Wholesale of machinery, equipment and spare parts for mining and construction. Wholesale of machinery, electrical equipment, electrical materials (generators, electric motors, wires and other electrical equipment used in the circuit). Wholesale of machinery, equipment and spare parts for textile, apparel and footwear. Trade machinery, equipment and supplies office. Wholesale of machinery, medical equipment.

–              Wholesale of computers, peripherals and software

–              Wholesale of electronic and telecommunication equipment and components

–              Wholesale of machinery, equipment and spare parts of agricultural machines

–              Wholesale of metals and metal ores

–              Details: wholesale of iron and steel

–              Wholesale of other construction material and equipment

–             Details: Wholesale of bamboo, raw wood and processed wood; wholesale of cement; wholesale of brick, tile, stone, sand and gravel; wholesale of building glass; Wholesale of paints, varnishes, Wholesale of wall and floor tiles and sanitary equipment tile; Wholesale of hardware (not operated at the headquarters)

–              Lease of machinery and equipment and other tangible items

–              Details: Lease of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment, lease of construction machinery and equipment, lease of office machinery and equipment (including computers)

–              Transportation of goods by road

–              Transporting goods by inland waterways

–              Supply of labor and management

–              Details: Supply and management of labor resources in the country (excluding labor re-lease)

–              Related architectural and technical consultancy activities

–              Details: Management of investment projects construction, supervision of construction and completion of construction works. Supervision of construction and finishing transportation works. Planning for construction projects. Project costing for construction works. Bidding consultancy. Supervision of construction works and finishing terminal works. Structural design for terminals and waterways. Structural design for civil engineering and industrial works.

–              Manufacture of metal structures (not operated at the headquarters)

–              Manufacture of metal tanks, reservoirs and containers (not operated at the headquarters)

–              Manufacture of concrete and products from cement and plaster (not operated at the headquarters)

–              Installation of other building systems (except for mechanical processing, recycling, electroplating at headquarters)

–              Other specialized construction activities

–              Management consulting (except for financial and accounting consulting)

–              Not-yet classified professional, scientific, technological activities

–              Details: Commercial Brokerage

–              Lease of motor vehicles

–              Details: Lease of cars. Lease of other motor vehicles

–              General tư vấn services

–              Administrative office services

–              Dedicated design activities

–              Details: Interior decoration.

Board of Management

The members of the Board of Management of the Company during the year and at the date of this report include:

Full name                            Position

Mr. Nguyen Van A                           Chairman of Board of Members

Financial position, results of operations and cash flows

The financial position of the Company as at 31 December năm trước and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended are presented in the attached financial statements.

Events after the balance sheet date

No significant events occurred after the date of the financial statements requires adjustments or published in the financial statements.


AUDITING CO., LTD has carried out an audit of financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December năm trước of the Company.


Management of the Company is responsible for financial statements which give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as at 31 December năm trước and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended.  In preparing these financial statements, the management is required to:

  • develop and maintain internal controls that the Board of Management and the Managing Board determines is necessary đồ sộ ensure the preparation and presentation of financial statements without any material misstatement due đồ sộ fraud or error;
  • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
  • make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and
  • specify whether the applicable accounting standards have been complied with or not, and whether there are material misstatements that need đồ sộ be disclosed and explained in the financial statements or not;
  • prepare and present financial statements on the basis of compliance with accounting standards, accounting regulations and the relevant regulations in force; and
  • prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it is inappropriate đồ sộ presume that the Company will continue in business.

Management is responsible for ensuring that proper accounting records are kept which disclose, with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Company and which enable financial statements đồ sộ be prepared which comply with the basis of accounting phối out in Notes đồ sộ the financial statements.  Management is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

On behalf of the Board of Members


Nguyen Van A

Chairman of the Board of Members

Ho Chi Minh thành phố, 18 April 2015

No.:           /2015/BCTC-AUDITING


To:          Board of Members and Management

ABC. Construction Trading Service Company Limited

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of ABC. Construction Trading Service Company Limited (the “Company”), prepared on 18 May năm ngoái as phối out from page 06 đồ sộ page 18, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December năm trước, and the statement of income, and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information (collectively referred đồ sộ as the “financial statements”).

Responsibility of the Board of Management

The Board of Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, accounting regime for enterprises and legal regulations relating đồ sộ financial reporting and for such internal control as the Board of Management determines is necessary đồ sộ enable the preparation of financial statements that are không tính tiền from material misstatement, whether due đồ sộ fraud or error.

Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is đồ sộ express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Vietnamese Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit đồ sộ obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are không tính tiền from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures đồ sộ obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due đồ sộ fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant đồ sộ the Company’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order đồ sộ design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Director, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate đồ sộ provide a basis for our qualified opinion.

Basis for Qualified Opinion

Due đồ sộ be appointed as auditors of the Company after 31 December năm trước, we were not able đồ sộ witness the cash count and inventory count. Given existing documents and by other audit procedures we cannot assure existence and completeness of these items.

Auditor’s Opinion

In our opinion, except for any adjustments that might have been found đồ sộ be necessary as mentioned above paragraphs, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at 31 December năm trước, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, accounting regime for enterprises and legal regulations relating đồ sộ financial reporting.

On behalf of


Ho Chi Minh thành phố, 18 April 2015

Tran Van A


Audit Practicing Registration Certificate No. XXXX-XXXX-XXX-1

Doan Thi B


Audit Practicing Registration Certificate No.



As at 31 December 2014

Unit: VND

ASSETS Codes   Notes    31/12/2014         01/01/2014

1              2              3              4              5

  1. CURRENT ASSETS (100=110+120+130+140+150) 100                9.504.621.520
  2. Cash and cash equivalents 110 (4.1)       1.426.712.377     507.033.894
  3. Cash 111                1.426.712.377     507.033.894
  4. Cash equivalents 112
  5. Short-term investments 120

III. Short-term receivables           130                        5.300.087.947     291.744.238

  1. Trade accounts receivables 131                5.114.569.336     45.478.651
  2. Construction contract-in-progress receivables 134
  3. Other receivables 135                185.518.611        246.265.587
  4. Provision for short-term doubtful debts 139
  5. Inventories 140                2.681.811.102     419.453.592
  6. Inventories 141                2.681.811.102     419.453.592
  7. Provision for devaluation of inventories 149
  8. Other short-term assets 150                96.010.094           61.861.973
  9. Short-term prepayments 151                                43.407.500
  10. Value added tax deductibles 152                76.010.094           18.314.502
  11. Taxes and other receivables from the State budget 154                                139.971
  12. Government bonds 157
  13. Other short-term assets 158                trăng tròn.000.000
  14. NON-CURRENT ASSETS (200 = 210+220+230+240+260) 200           419.587.114
  15. Long-term receivables 210
  16. Fixed assets 220                896.743.915        370.758.929
  17. Tangible fixed assets 221 896.743.915        370.758.929

– Historical cost  222                        1.099.840.909     412.500.000

– Accumulated depreciation        223                        (203.096.994)     (41.741.071)

III. Real estate investments         240

  1. Long-term financial investments 250 (III.05)
  2. Other long-term assets 260                114.483.918        48.828.185
  3. Long-term prepayments 262                89.483.918
  4. Other long-term assets 298                25.000.000           48.828.185

TOTAL ASSETS (270=100+200)     270                        10.515.849.353                  1.699.680.811

BALANCE SHEET (continued)

As at 31 December 2014

Unit: VND

RESOURCES        Codes   Notes    31/12/2014         01/01/2014

1              2              3              4              5

  1. LIABILITIES (300=310+330) 300                5.386.287.702     90.999.999
  2. Current liabilities 310                5.386.287.702     90.999.999
  3. Short-term loans and liabilities 311                1.400.000.000
  4. Trade accounts payable 312                3.986.287.702
  5. Advances from customers 313                                84.999.999
  6. Taxes and amounts payable đồ sộ the State budget 314
  7. Payables đồ sộ employees 315                                6.000.000
  8. Other current payables 316
  9. Long-term liabilities 330
  10. EQUITY (400 = 410+430) 400                5.129.561.651     1.608.680.812
  11. Owner’s equity 410 III.07      5.129.561.651     1.608.680.812
  12. Charter capital 411           1.590.000.000
  13. Share premium 412
  14. Retained earnings 413                129.561.651        18.680.812
  15. Resource of capital for infrastructure investment 414
  16. Bonus and welfare fund 430

TOTAL RESOURCES (440=300+400)           440                        10.515.849.353                  1.699.680.811

18 April 2015

Preparer                              Chairman of Board of Members

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For the year ended 31 December 2014

Unit: VND

ITEMS   Codes   Notes    2014       2013

1              2              3              4              5

  1. Gross revenue from goods sold and services rendered 01 IV.08      35.320.578.453  7.554.863.272
  2. Deductions 02
  3. Net revenue from goods sold and services rendered (10=01-02) 10 35.320.578.453  7.554.863.272
  4. Cost of sales 11 33.203.942.315  6.462.065.490
  5. Gross profit from goods sold and services rendered (20=10-11) trăng tròn 2.116.636.138     1.092.797.782
  6. Financial income 21 41.750.803           2.581.987
  7. Financial expenses 22 46.152.573           14.941.018

– In which: Interest expense       23                                          14.941.018

  1. Selling expenses 24
  2. General and administration expenses 25 1.970.079.446     1.067.733.449
  3. Operating profit {30=20+21-22-24} 30 142.154.922        12.705.302
  4. Other income 31
  5. Other expenses 32
  6. Profit from other activities (40=31-32) 40
  7. Profit before tax 50 142.154.922        12.705.302
  8. Profit before tax (50=30+40) 51 IV.09      31.274.083           3.176.326
  9. Current corporate income tax expense 52
  10. Profit after tax (60=50-51) 60 110.880.839        9.528.976

18 April 2015

Preparer                              Chairman of Board of Members


For the year ended 2014

ITEMS   Codes   Notes    2014       2013

  2. Receipts from revenues for goods sold and services rendered 01 30.166.487.769  7.509.384.621
  3. Payment for suppliers 02 (30.915.720.991)               (7.662.452.335)
  4. Payment for employees 03 (2.227.720.991) (3.431.209.714)
  5. Interest paid 04 (46.152.573)
  6. Corporate income tax paid 05 (19.358.104)
  7. Other receipts from operating activities 06
  8. Other payments on operating activities 07 (1.191.756.730)

NET CASH FLOWS USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES           20                           (3.219.413.299) (584.277.428)

  2. Acquisition of fixed assets and other long-term assets 21 687.340.909
  3. Proceeds from sales of fixed assets and other long-term assets 22
  4. Dividends and interest received 27 41.750.803           2.581.987

NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES            30                           729.091.712        2.581.987


  1. Proceeds from issue of shares and capital contribution 31 3.410.000.000     một triệu.000
  2. Payments for share returns and repurchases 32

NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES               40                           3.410.000.000     một triệu.000

Net increase in cash (50=20+30+40)         50                           919.678.483        418.304.559

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year  60                           507.033.894        88.729.335

Effect of foreign exchange differences  61

Cash and cash equivalents at over of year (70=50+60+61)               70           4.1          1.426.712.377     507.033.894

18 April 2015

Preparer                              Chairman of Board of Members


Structure of ownership

The Company was incorporated in Vietnam as a two-member limited company under Business Registration Certificate No. 0123456789  dated 22 May 2013  issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City.


2.1.         Financial year and accounting currency

The Company’s financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

The financial statements are measured and presented in Vietnamese Dong (“VND”), recognized on an accrual basis in accordance with regulations of Accounting Law no. 03/2003/QH11 dated 17/06/2003 and Vietnamese Accounting Standard no.1 – General Standard.

2.2.         Accounting standard and accounting regime

Accounting regime applied

The company applies Enterprise Accounting Regime of Vietnam issued with Decision No. 48/2006 / QD-BTC dated 14 September 2006 that has been amended and supplemented by the provisions of Circular 138/2011 / TT BTC dated 04 October 2011 by the Minister of Finance.

Declaration on compliance with accounting standards and accounting regimes

The Company applies the Vietnam Accounting Standards and the Standards guidelines issued by the State. The financial statements are prepared and presented in accordance with all provisions of each standard, circular guiding the implementation of standards and applicable accounting regime.

Accounting form

The Company applies the khuông of computerized accounting


3.1.         Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, demand deposits and short-term, highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less that are readily convertible đồ sộ known amounts of cash and which are subject đồ sộ an insignificant risk of changes in value.

3.2.         Trade accounts receivables

Trade accounts receivables are carried at the original invoice amount less an estimate made for doubtful receivables based on a review by management of all outstanding amounts at the year over.  According đồ sộ the judgment of the Board of Management, there is no doubtful debt at the over of fiscal year 2013, therefore no provision for doubtful debts is made.

3.3.         Inventories

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value.  Cost is determined by the specific identification method and includes all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories đồ sộ their present location and condition. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the normal course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and selling expenses.

3.4.         Fixed assets and fixed asset depreciation

Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. The costs of purchased tangible fixed assets comprise their purchase prices and any directly attributable costs of bringing the assets đồ sộ their working condition and location for their intended use. Costs incurred after initial recognition is only recognized as increase in historical cost of fixed assets if these costs will undoubtedly lead đồ sộ economic benefits in the future due đồ sộ the use of these assets. Costs that vì thế not satisfy this condition are recognized as expenses in the period.

When fixed assets are sold or disposed, their cost and accumulated depreciation are written off and any gain or loss arising from the disposal will be recorded as an income or expense in the period.

Finance leases are capitalized at the inception of the lease at the lower of the fair value of leased property or the present value of the minimum lease payments excluding VAT. In the course of use, fixed assets under finance leases are recorded at cost, less accumulated depreciation and residual value.

Tangible fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives in accordance with Circular 203/2009/TT-BTC dated trăng tròn October 2009 issued by the Ministry of Finance as follows:

–              Building and structures 5 – 50  years

–              Machinery and equipment         6 – 20  years

–              Motor vehicles 6 – 30  years

–              Office equipment           3 – 8  years

–              Land use right   2 – 20  years

–              Management software                2 – 20  years

–              Other assets     4 – 25  years

Real estate investments are recorded at historical cost. In the course of holding for capital appreciation or rental operations, real estate investments are recorded at historical cost, less accumulated depreciation and residual value.

3.5.         Financial investments

Investments in subsidiaries in which the Company holds control are recognized at historical cost method. Profit distributions from subsidiaries after the date of control holding are recorded đồ sộ the Company’s income statement for the period. Other distributions are considered as a recovery of investment and are deducted from the investment value.

Investments in associated companies in which the Company has significant influence are recognized at cost method. Profit distributions from associated companies after the investment date are recorded đồ sộ the Company’s income statement for the period. Other distributions are considered as a recovery of investment and are deducted from the investment value.

Investments in joint ventures are accounted for under the historical cost method. Joint venture investments are not adjusted for changes in the company’s ownership in the net assets of the joint venture companies. Income statement of the Company reflects the earnings distributed from accumulated net profits of the joint venture companies incurred after the joint venture investment date.

Joint venture investment under the khuông of Joint-control business operations and Joint-control assets are accounted for by generally accepted accounting principles as other normal business activities, in which:

– The Company keeps separate accounts for income and expenses related đồ sộ joint venture operations and make allocations đồ sộ joint venture parties under the joint venture agreement;

– The Company keeps separate accounts for joint venture assets, the contribution đồ sộ joint-control assets and common liabilities and separate liabilities arising from the joint venture operations.

Financial investments at the time of the report, if they:

– are bonds, treasury bills, ngân hàng deposits with maturity or maturity not exceeding 3 months from the date of acquisition are recognized as “cash equivalents”;

– have maturity less than vãn one year or within one business cycle are classified as short-term assets;

– have maturity of one year or more than vãn one business cycle are classified as long term assets.

Provision for investments made at the over of the year is the positive difference between the original cost of the investments recorded and the market value or their fair value at the time of making provision.

3.6.         Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs are expensed as incurred, except for borrowing costs directly attributable đồ sộ the acquisition, construction or production of in-progress assets which is capitalized đồ sộ the value of those assets if all the conditions required by Vietnam Accounting Standard No. 16 “Borrowing costs” are satisfied.

3.7.         Prepaid expenses

Prepaid expenses related đồ sộ business operations of a financial year or a business cycle is recorded as short-term prepaid expenses and expensed in the financial year. Costs incurred in a financial year but related đồ sộ results of operations of multiple financial years are accounted for as long-term prepaid expenses and gradually allocated đồ sộ operating expenses in following financial years.

The recognition and allocation of long-term prepaid expenses is based on the nature and severity of each type of cost in order đồ sộ select suitable methods and criteria. Prepaid expenses are amortized into operating expenses in accordance with the straight line method.

3.8.         Accrued expenses

Accrued expenses are expenses not yet incurred actually but accrued as operating cost in the period in order đồ sộ ensure no dramatic fluctuation in the operating cost as required by revenue and expense matching principle. When these costs are incurred, if there are any discrepancies with the accrued amount, accounting will make additional accrual or record cost deduction at the value of the difference.

3.9.         Provisions for liabilities

Provision for liabilities is recorded at the most reasonable estimate đồ sộ pay existing debt obligations at the over of the financial year.

Only costs related đồ sộ the provision for liabilities originally recorded can be covered by that provision.

The positive difference between the amount of unused provision recorded in the previous period and the provision đồ sộ be recorded in the current reporting period is reversed as a reduction of operating expenses for the current period, except for positive differences of liabilities for construction and installation warranty which is reversed and recorded as other income for the period.

3.10.      Equity

Owner’s equity is recorded at actual capital contribution by the owners.

Owner’s other capital is recorded at the fair value of assets donated by other entities and individuals after taxes payable (if any ) related đồ sộ the assets and the additional amount resulting from operating activities.

Undistributed retained earning is the earning from business activities after adjustments for retrospective application of changes in accounting policies and retrospective restatements of material misstatements of the previous years.

3.11.      Revenue recognition

Revenue from sales of goods

Revenue from sales of goods is recognized when all five (5) following conditions are satisfied:

(a)          the Company has transferred đồ sộ the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods;

(b)          the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement đồ sộ the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;

(c)           the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;

(d)          it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow đồ sộ the Company; and

(e)          the costs incurred or đồ sộ be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably.

Revenue from services rendered

Revenue of a transaction involving the rendering of services is recognized when the outcome of such transactions can be measured reliably. Where a transaction involving the rendering of services is attributable đồ sộ several years, revenue is recognized in each year by reference đồ sộ the percentage of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date of that year. The outcome of a transaction can be measured reliably when all four (4) following conditions are satisfied:

(a)          the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;

(b)          it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow đồ sộ the Company;

(c)           the percentage of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date can be measured reliably; and

(d)          the costs incurred for the transaction and the costs đồ sộ complete the transaction can be measured reliably.

Part of the service rendered is determined by percentage-of-completion method.

Revenue from financial activities

Revenue arising from interest, royalties, dividends, profits and dividends and revenue from other financial activities are recorded when they simultaneously satisfy following conditions:

– It is probable that the economic benefits from the transaction will flow đồ sộ the Company;

– The revenue can be measured reliably;

– Dividends and profit shared are recognized when the Company is entitled đồ sộ receive dividends or profits from the capital contribution.

3.12.      Taxes

Current tax

Tax assets and tax liabilities in the current year and previous years are measured at the amount expected đồ sộ be paid đồ sộ (or recovered from) the tax authorities, based on tax rates and tax laws valid until the over of the tax period.

Deferred income taxes

Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements.  Deferred income tax is determined at the tax rates that are expected đồ sộ apply đồ sộ the financial year when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

The determination of the Company’s income tax is based on the current regulations on taxation. However, these regulations are changed from time đồ sộ time and the ultimate determination of corporate income tax depends on the audit results of the relevant tax authority.


4.1.         Cash and cash equivalents

4.2.         Trade accounts receivables

4.3.         Inventories

4.4.         Tangible fixed assets

4.5.         Trade accounts payables

4.6.         Revenue from goods sold and services rendered

4.7.         Cost of goods sold

4.8.         Financial income

4.9.         Financial expenses

4.10.      General and administration expenses


5.1.         Events arising after the balance sheet date

No significant events occurred after the over of the accounting year that require adjustments or published in this financial report.

5.2.         Information about going concern

The going concern ability of the Company depends on its ability đồ sộ settle liabilities, financial tư vấn of investors and market expansion of the Company. However, the financial statements are prepared on the going concern basis with the assumption that the Company continues đồ sộ operate in the future.

5.3.         Information about the tax payable

Tax finalization of the Company is subject đồ sộ audited by tax authorities. Because the application of tax laws and regulations and the application of accounting standards on the Company’s transactions can be interpreted in different ways, so sánh the amount of tax presented on the financial statements may vary according đồ sộ the decision of the tax authority.

5.4.         Other information

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In addition đồ sộ information presented above, during the reporting year there are no significant events occurred requiring đồ sộ be presented or published in the financial statements. Comparative figures are 2013 figures audited by AUDITING CO., LTD.

18 April 2015

Preparer                              Chairman of Board of Members